
The AAIC is seeking nominations (or volunteers) for the Treasurer position.

Submit your interest.

Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops

Industrial crops are utilized for non-food and non-feed applications. These plants provide raw materials and products such as energy, starch, oils, fibers and rubber that are used in different industries.

The Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops is an international, nonprofit educational and scientific organization established to encourage and promote the activities on industrial crops and products.

The AAIC was reincorporated in 1988 from the Guayule Rubber Society, with chapters in California (Los Guayuleros) and Arizona (Arizona Guayule Society).

2023 A.E. Thompson Career Achievement Awardee

Dr. Diana Jasso De Rodríguez
Dr. Diana Jasso De Rodríguez

Dr. Jasso de Rodriguez has made significant contributions to the research and utilization of industrial crop species that cut across the thematic divisions of AAIC. She has conducted numerous research projects on guayule (Parthenium argentatum), lesquerella oilseeds (Physaria fendleri), medicinal plants (Euphorbia antisyphilitica, Flourensia spp., Rhus spp.) and other species with industrial, microbicidal, antifungal, and biostimulant applications in agriculture including Aloe vera, Jatropha dioica, Yuca filifera, and Agave lechugilla.

2023 Outstanding Researcher

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Haleem
Dr. Hussein Abdel-Haleem

Dr. Abdel-Haleem has made significant contributions to research in brassicas, camelina (Camelina sativa), guayule (Parthenium argentatum), and soybean. His research focuses on conducting applied plant breeding, genetics and genomics research toward the development of improved bioenergy and industrial crops for semi-arid and sustainable agricultural systems. In particular, he conducts studies to identify candidate genes controlling abiotic stress tolerance traits, and identify new germplasm that can be used to develop superior cultivars to meet global climate change challenges and increasing demand for new clean bioenergy resources.
